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    8. Aerosoft Updater and Livery Installer

      The Aerosoft Updater and Livery Installer have now been replaced by Aerosoft One. This updater is only for legacy products that do not yet support Aerosoft One and still require this tool.

    9. Flightplan Visualizer

      Flightplan Visualizer is a tool that helps you find suitable flights. Select the aircraft type, airline, and airport and you see exactly what routes real airlines fly.  No longer do you have to spend a lot of time deciding where to fly next, just follow the real aircraft!

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    • Hallo Agnes,   vielen Dank für deine Mühen, aber die Fehlermeldung erscheint trotzdem noch. Das macht aber weiter nichts, mit einem Mausklick ist sie verschwunden und Fehler an der Szenerie kann ich nicht feststellen.   Danke noch einmal und viele Grüße Horst
    • Yes, they will be.
    • Appreciate your comment - I'll try to clarify some more, as your concerns are totally valid.   We're fully aware we're asking for a lot of data here, it's pretty similar to the same data you'd be asked for if contacting MSFS support. The reason why we need this data is to figure out what the issue actually is. While this is of course happening to more than just one or two users, from a quick check we've in total received less than 35-40 unique user reports about this issue across both the forum and tickets. This is a very low amount of users in the grand scheme of those using the addon. While this won't account for everyone with issues, as some won't always report issues immediately, the overall number of people with issues is extremely low. We've heard back from far less after the latest build release, too.    What's interesting about this issue is that those that are having it all seem to have it in slightly different ways. For some customers, this is only effecting one or two aircraft with certain types of pushback, while in other cases it can occur on all aircraft with all pushbacks. It's quite likely that there's some kind of link between all the systems effected, which is causing the issue. Whether that be another addon that's interfering, a specific version of the aircraft used, or even an underlying MSFS issue that's only effecting certain systems - We're just not sure yet. That's a link we need to discover so we can work on a fix, but as none of us can reproduce the issue in house and the issue doesn't seem too widespread, we need to gather that data from users that do have the issue.     Using the data provided can attempt to find a link between all those systems. Once we do, we'll of course work on a fix as soon as possible. 
    • Will cockpit master products be compatible with msfs2024 ?
    • hopefully good ones, I don't like Jeppesen charts....
    • Hallo Michaelnrw76,   trotz der neusten Version 1.7.3 - gefühlt mindestens 6 Monate her - hat sich nichts verbessert. Habe den Eindruck, dass der A320U extended XP12 derzeit nicht im Fokus von FF steht.   Um nur 2 weitere Bugs? zu benennen, die Wiper arbeiten, wischen aber nicht. Die beiden EFB's sind seit der letzten Beta Version XP12.1.0b7 - Cockpit EFB is temporarily inoperable - außer Funktion.   Mal schauen, ob sich bis zum Jahresende noch etwas tut.   Gruß Ditmar
    • Ja... warte, ich probier mal was, damit zumindest die Fehlermeldung behoben wird.   So, hier, probier mal bitte, ob das funktioniert:   Ordner "Aviotek_Software_Frankfurt_International_Airport" nach Custom Scenery kopieren Falls Meldungen kommen, Überschreiben bestätigen   🙂 Aviotek_EDDF_Patch.zip
    • Hey. Hey. I of course acknowledge that you will not be returning to this topic. Also this is a way to solve the problem of paying customers. But I don't blame you. I saw that the problem was fixed for FP FS2020, thanks. For others who have purchased or plan to purchase the LZIB scenery for Xbox, I'll describe the current problem with FP IFR flights to LZIB here. I have been using the new A320 Neo V2, which works with Simbrief. I created an IFR flight from LKTB via ODNEM to LZIB via BERVA. The difference can be seen in figure 1 and 2. With the scenery not loaded by STAR for BERVA. OK, it is still possible to edit this directly in FMS after loading the FP into FMS - F-PLN - Arrivals - ILS31 - BERV1M - INSERT. But a problem occurs. The FMG loads STAR for BERVA - IB689 and IB688, which are 3050 miles apart (Figure 3). Then IB687, which is by LZIB, and then INFOS, which is again 3050 miles away (fig. 4). Finally IB683 which is at LZIB and FF31 which is again over 3000 miles away. Then when you look at the FMG, the FP looks like Figure 5. Correctly it should look like Fig. 6, that is without the additional scenery of LZIB. Unfortunately I don't know why the LZIB supplemental scenery has SID and STAR IBXXX, INFOS, FF31, etc. more than 300 miles away and doesn't download the SID and STAR defaults from MS FS2020 for Xbox Have a nice day everyone            

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    • Hello Tom, and anyone else who is interested. Had I not seen the post above from chunsajihuni, I think I would written much the same in reply. I'm not sure how much energy I can put into this as I now find it hugely frustrating. I most certainly am unable to take time out again to document each and every stage of the problem which kicked in for me within seconds of downloading Sim update 15. Absolutely nothing else has changed, and the rest of my Sim works just fine. I would ask aerosoft support to show me how to remove this program so that I can use the ambitious pilots free download available to us all in flightsim.to   I don't want to point fingers as I simply don't know where the problem lies or who has the ability to fix it. I've tried far above more than I'm prepared to and keep poking at the problem in the vain hope of getting lucky. So Tom, can you please advise how I remove this push-back pro from my sim and maybe put it on the shelf until and unless maybe even for when FS 2024 comes along which will necessitate a full reload, maybe I'll get lucky then. In the meantime however the flightsim.to was working before I upgraded to the pro version so hopefully it will still be able to help me in the meantime. Kind regards as always and I too most certainly welcome your effort, and of course your continued support
    • It’s sad really. I don’t know what happened to this company. They were first out the gate with a decent airliner with the CRJ, then the Twin Otter, which was ok, and then they announced the A330 - they looked set to be a major player in MSFS. And then it all just fell to pieces. Shifting internal priorities, staff changes, unfortunate planning decisions, some other kind of upheaval. I guess we’ll never really know 🤷‍♂️
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